deegan dolaa ta-oo la-o ja-o man kay bharmaa
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (400-14)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
fIgn folw qaU lau jau mn ky Brmw ] BRm kwty guir AwpxY pwey ibsrwmw ]1] The Guru removed my doubts, and I have obtained my place of rest. ||1|| Eie ibKwdI doKIAw qy gur qy hUty ] Those quarrelsome enemies have been overcome, through the Guru. hm CUty Ab aun@w qy Eie hm qy CUty ]1] rhwau ] I have now escaped from them, and they have run away from me. ||1||Pause|| myrw qyrw jwnqw qb hI qy bMDw ] He is concerned with 'mine and yours', and so he is held in bondage. guir kwtI AigAwnqw qb Cutky PMDw ]2] When the Guru dispelled my ignorance, then the noose of death was cut away from my neck. ||2|| jb lgu hukmu n bUJqw qb hI lau duKIAw ] As long as he does not understand the Command of God's Will, he remains miserable. gur imil hukmu pCwixAw qb hI qy suKIAw ]3] Meeting with the Guru, he comes to recognize God's Will, and then, he becomes happy. ||3|| nw ko dusmnu doKIAw nwhI ko mMdw ] I have no enemies and no adversaries; no one is wicked to me. gur kI syvw syvko nwnk KsmY bMdw ]4]17]119] That servant, who performs the Lord's service, O Nanak, is the slave of the Lord Master. ||4||17||119|| |