darpai Dharat akaas nakh-yataraa sir oopar amar karaaraa
mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 2 (998-17)maaroo mehlaa 5 ghar 2 Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Second House: |
frpY Driq Akwsu nK�qRw isr aUpir Amru krwrw ] pauxu pwxI bYsMqru frpY frpY ieMdRü ibcwrw ]1] Wind, water and fire abide in the Fear of God; poor Indra abides in the Fear of God as well. ||1|| eykw inrBau bwq sunI ] I have heard one thing, that the One Lord alone is fearless. so suKIAw so sdw suhylw jo gur imil gwie gunI ]1] rhwau ] He alone is at peace, and he alone is embellished forever, who meets with the Guru, and sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| dyhDwr Aru dyvw frpih isD swiDk fir muieAw ] The embodied and the divine beings abide in the Fear of God. The Siddhas and seekers die in the Fear of God. lK caurwsIh mir mir jnmy iPir iPir jonI joieAw ]2] The 8.4 millions species of beings die, and die again, and are born over and over again. They are consigned to reincarnation. ||2|| rwjsu swqku qwmsu frpih kyqy rUp aupwieAw ] Those who embody the energies of sattva-white light, raajas-red passion, and taamas-black darkness, abide in the Fear of God, along with the many created forms. Cl bpurI ieh kaulw frpY Aiq frpY Drm rwieAw ]3] This miserable deceiver Maya abides in the Fear of God; the Righteous Judge of Dharma is utterly afraid of Him as well. ||3|| sgl smgRI frih ibAwpI ibnu fr krxYhwrw ] The entire expanse of the Universe is in the Fear of God; only the Creator Lord is without this Fear. khu nwnk Bgqn kw sMgI Bgq sohih drbwrw ]4]1] Says Nanak, God is the companion of His devotees; His devotees look beautiful in the Court of the Lord. ||4||1|| |