thaadh paa-ee kartaaray
soriT mhlw 5 ] (622-16)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
TwiF pweI krqwry ] qwpu Coif gieAw prvwry ] the fever has left my family. guir pUrY hY rwKI ] The Perfect Guru has saved us. srix scy kI qwkI ]1] I sought the Sanctuary of the True Lord. ||1|| prmysru Awip hoAw rKvwlw ] The Transcendent Lord Himself has become my Protector. sWiq shj suK iKn mih aupjy mnu hoAw sdw suKwlw ] rhwau ] Tranquility, intuitive peace and poise welled up in an instant, and my mind was comforted forever. ||Pause|| hir hir nwmu dIE dwrU ] The Lord, Har, Har, gave me the medicine of His Name, iqin sglw rogu ibdwrU ] which has cured all disease. ApxI ikrpw DwrI ] He extended His Mercy to me, iqin sglI bwq svwrI ]2] and resolved all these affairs. ||2|| pRiB Apnw ibrdu smwirAw ] God confirmed His loving nature; hmrw guxu Avguxu n bIcwirAw ] He did not take my merits or demerits into account. gur kw sbdu BieE swKI ] The Word of the Guru's Shabad has become manifest, iqin sglI lwj rwKI ]3] and through it, my honor was totally preserved. ||3|| bolwieAw bolI qyrw ] I speak as You cause me to speak; qU swihbu guxI ghyrw ] O Lord and Master, You are the ocean of excellence. jip nwnk nwmu scu swKI ] Nanak chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, according to the Teachings of Truth. Apuny dws kI pYj rwKI ]4]6]56] God preserves the honor of His slaves. ||4||6||56|| |