tumH miltay mayraa man jee-o tumH milhu da-i-aal
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (810-18)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
thl krau qyry dws kI pg Jwrau bwl ] msqku Apnw Byt dyau gun sunau rswl ]1] I offer my head to him, and listen to the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the source of bliss. ||1|| qum@ imlqy myrw mnu jIE qum@ imlhu dieAwl ] Meeting You, my mind is rejuvenated, so please meet me, O Merciful Lord. inis bwsur min Andu hoq icqvq ikrpwl ]1] rhwau ] Night and day, my mind enjoys bliss, contemplating the Lord of Compassion. ||1||Pause|| jgq auDwrn swD pRB iqn@ lwghu pwl ] God's Holy people are the saviors of the world; I grab hold of the hem of their robes. mo kau dIjY dwnu pRB sMqn pg rwl ]2] Bless me, O God, with the gift of the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||2|| aukiq isAwnp kCu nhI nwhI kCu Gwl ] I have no skill or wisdom at all, nor any work to my credit. BRm BY rwKhu moh qy kwthu jm jwl ]3] Please, protect me from doubt, fear and emotional attachment, and cut away the noose of Death from my neck. ||3|| ibnau krau kruxwpqy ipqw pRiqpwl ] I beg of You, O Lord of Mercy, O my Father, please cherish me! gux gwvau qyry swDsMig nwnk suK swl ]4]11]41] I sing Your Glorious Praises, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Lord, Home of peace. ||4||11||41|| |