thaakur hamraa sad bolantaa
mhlw 5 BYrau ] (1160-5)mehlaa 5. bhairo. Fifth Mehl: Bhairau: |
jo pwQr kau khqy dyv ] qw kI ibrQw hovY syv ] - their service is useless. jo pwQr kI pWeI pwie ] Those who fall at the feet of a stone god iqs kI Gwl AjWeI jwie ]1] - their work is wasted in vain. ||1|| Twkuru hmrw sd bol�qw ] My Lord and Master speaks forever. srb jIAw kau pRBu dwnu dyqw ]1] rhwau ] God gives His gifts to all living beings. ||1||Pause|| AMqir dyau n jwnY AMDu ] The Divine Lord is within the self, but the spiritually blind one does not know this. BRm kw moihAw pwvY PMDu ] Deluded by doubt, he is caught in the noose. n pwQru bolY nw ikCu dyie ] The stone does not speak; it does not give anything to anyone. Pokt krm inhPl hY syv ]2] Such religious rituals are useless; such service is fruitless. ||2|| jy imrqk kau cMdnu cVwvY ] If a corpse is anointed with sandalwood oil, aus qy khhu kvn Pl pwvY ] what good does it do? jy imrqk kau ibstw mwih rulweI ] If a corpse is rolled in manure, qW imrqk kw ikAw Git jweI ]3] what does it lose from this? ||3|| khq kbIr hau khau pukwir ] Says Kabeer, I proclaim this out loud smiJ dyKu swkq gwvwr ] - behold, and understand, you ignorant, faithless cynic. dUjY Bwie bhuqu Gr gwly ] The love of duality has ruined countless homes. rwm Bgq hY sdw suKwly ]4]4]12] The Lord's devotees are forever in bliss. ||4||4||12|| |