kahhu gusaa-ee milee-ai kayh
rwgu gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 caupdy dupdy (185-11)raag ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5 cha-upday dupday Raag Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, Du-Padas: |
jo prwieE soeI Apnw ] jo qij Cofn iqsu isau mnu rcnw ]1] That which he must abandon - to that, his mind is attracted. ||1|| khhu gusweI imlIAY kyh ] Tell me, how can he meet the Lord of the World? jo ibbrjq iqs isau nyh ]1] rhwau ] That which is forbidden - with that, he is in love. ||1||Pause|| JUTu bwq sw scu kir jwqI ] That which is false - he deems as true. siq hovnu min lgY n rwqI ]2] That which is true - his mind is not attached to that at all. ||2|| bwvY mwrgu tyFw clnw ] He takes the crooked path of the unrighteous way; sIDw Coif ApUTw bunnw ]3] leaving the straight and narrow path, he weaves his way backwards. ||3|| duhw isirAw kw Ksmu pRBu soeI ] God is the Lord and Master of both worlds. ijsu myly nwnk so mukqw hoeI ]4]29]98] He, whom the Lord unites with Himself, O Nanak, is liberated. ||4||29||98|| |