jo tayree sarnaa-ee har jee-o tin too raakhan jog
pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] (1333-17)parbhaatee mehlaa 3. Prabhaatee, Third Mehl: |
jo qyrI srxweI hir jIau iqn qU rwKn jogu ] quDu jyvfu mY Avru n sUJY nw ko hoAw n hogu ]1] I cannot even conceive of any other as Great as You. There never was, and there never shall be. ||1|| hir jIau sdw qyrI srxweI ] O Dear Lord, I shall remain in Your Sanctuary forever. ijau BwvY iqau rwKhu myry suAwmI eyh qyrI vifAweI ]1] rhwau ] As it pleases You, You save me, O my Lord and Master; this is Your Glorious Greatness. ||1||Pause|| jo qyrI srxweI hir jIau iqn kI krih pRiqpwl ] O Dear Lord, You cherish and sustain those who seek Your Sanctuary. Awip ik®pw kir rwKhu hir jIau poih n skY jmkwlu ]2] O Dear Lord, the Messenger of Death cannot even touch those whom You, in Your Mercy, protect. ||2|| qyrI srxweI scI hir jIau nw Eh GtY n jwie ] True Is Your Sanctuary, O Dear Lord; it never diminishes or goes away. jo hir Coif dUjY Bwie lwgY Ehu jMmY qY mir jwie ]3] Those who abandon the Lord, and become attached to the love of duality, shall continue to die and be reborn. ||3|| jo qyrI srxweI hir jIau iqnw dUK BUK ikCu nwih ] Those who seek Your Sanctuary, Dear Lord, shall never suffer in pain or hunger for anything. nwnk nwmu slwih sdw qU scY sbid smwih ]4]4] O Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord forever, and merge in the True Word of the Shabad. ||4||4|| |