jo is maaray so-ee sooraa
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (237-17)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
jo iesu mwry soeI sUrw ] jo iesu mwry soeI pUrw ] One who kills this is perfect. jo iesu mwry iqsih vifAweI ] One who kills this obtains glorious greatness. jo iesu mwry iqs kw duKu jweI ]1] One who kills this is freed of suffering. ||1|| AYsw koie ij duibDw mwir gvwvY ] How rare is such a person, who kills and casts off duality. iesih mwir rwj jogu kmwvY ]1] rhwau ] Killing it, he attains Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success. ||1||Pause|| jo iesu mwry iqs kau Bau nwih ] One who kills this has no fear. jo iesu mwry su nwim smwih ] One who kills this is absorbed in the Naam. jo iesu mwry iqs kI iqRsnw buJY ] One who kills this has his desires quenched. jo iesu mwry su drgh isJY ]2] One who kills this is approved in the Court of the Lord. ||2|| jo iesu mwry so DnvMqw ] One who kills this is wealthy and prosperous. jo iesu mwry so piqvMqw ] One who kills this is honorable. jo iesu mwry soeI jqI ] One who kills this is truly a celibate. jo iesu mwry iqsu hovY gqI ]3] One who kills this attains salvation. ||3|| jo iesu mwry iqs kw AwieAw gnI ] One who kills this - his coming is auspicious. jo iesu mwry su inhclu DnI ] One who kills this is steady and wealthy. jo iesu mwry so vfBwgw ] One who kills this is very fortunate. jo iesu mwry su Anidnu jwgw ]4] One who kills this remains awake and aware, night and day. ||4|| jo iesu mwry su jIvn mukqw ] One who kills this is Jivan Mukta, liberated while yet alive. jo iesu mwry iqs kI inrml jugqw ] One who kills this lives a pure lifestyle. jo iesu mwry soeI suigAwnI ] One who kills this is spiritually wise. jo iesu mwry su shj iDAwnI ]5] One who kills this meditates intuitively. ||5|| iesu mwrI ibnu Qwie n prY ] koit krm jwp qp krY ] Without killing this, one is not acceptable, even though one may perform millions of rituals, chants and austerities. iesu mwrI ibnu jnmu n imtY ] Without killing this, one does not escape the cycle of reincarnation. iesu mwrI ibnu jm qy nhI CutY ]6] Without killing this, one does not escape death. ||6|| iesu mwrI ibnu igAwnu n hoeI ] Without killing this, one does not obtain spiritual wisdom. iesu mwrI ibnu jUiT n DoeI ] Without killing this, one's impurity is not washed off. iesu mwrI ibnu sBu ikCu mYlw ] Without killing this, everything is filthy. iesu mwrI ibnu sBu ikCu jaulw ]7] Without killing this, everything is a losing game. ||7|| jw kau Bey ik®pwl ik®pw iniD ] When the Lord, the Treasure of Mercy, bestows His Mercy, iqsu BeI KlwsI hoeI sgl isiD ] one obtains release, and attains total perfection. guir duibDw jw kI hY mwrI ] One whose duality has been killed by the Guru, khu nwnk so bRhm bIcwrI ]8]5] says Nanak, contemplates God. ||8||5|| |