jaisay go-il go-ilee taisay sansaaraa
Awsw kwPI mhlw 1 Gru 8 AstpdIAw ] (418-7)aasaa kaafee mehlaa 1 ghar 8 asatpadee-aa. Aasaa, Kaafee, First Mehl, Eighth House, Ashtapadees: |
jYsy goieil goielI qYsy sMswrw ] kUVu kmwvih AwdmI bWDih Gr bwrw ]1] Practicing falsehood, they build their homes. ||1|| jwghu jwghu sUiqho cilAw vxjwrw ]1] rhwau ] Wake up! Wake up! O sleepers, see that the travelling merchant is leaving. ||1||Pause|| nIq nIq Gr bWDIAih jy rhxw hoeI ] Go ahead and build your houses, if you think you will stay here forever and ever. ipMfu pvY jIau clsI jy jwxY koeI ]2] The body shall fall, and the soul shall depart; if only they knew this. ||2|| EhI EhI ikAw krhu hY hosI soeI ] Why do you cry out and mourn for the dead? The Lord is, and shall always be. qum rovhugy Es no qum@ kau kauxu roeI ]3] You mourn for that person, but who will mourn for you? ||3|| DMDw ipithu BweIho qum@ kUVu kmwvhu ] You are engrossed in worldly entanglements, O Siblings of Destiny, and you are practicing falsehood. Ehu n suxeI kq hI qum@ lok suxwvhu ]4] The dead person does not hear anything at all; your cries are heard only by other people. ||4|| ijs qy suqw nwnkw jwgwey soeI ] Only the Lord, who causes the mortal to sleep, O Nanak, can awaken him again. jy Gru bUJY Awpxw qW nId n hoeI ]5] One who understands his true home, does not sleep. ||5|| jy cldw lY cilAw ikCu sMpY nwly ] If the departing mortal can take his wealth with him, qw Dnu sMchu dyiK kY bUJhu bIcwry ]6] then go ahead and gather wealth yourself. See this, reflect upon it, and understand. ||6|| vxju krhu mKsUdu lYhu mq pCoqwvhu ] Make your deals, and obtain the true merchandise, or else you shall regret it later. Aaugx Cofhu gux krhu AYsy qqu prwvhu ]7] Abandon your vices, and practice virtue, and you shall obtain the essence of reality. ||7|| Drmu BUim squ bIju kir AYsI ikrs kmwvhu ] Plant the seed of Truth in the soil of Dharmic faith, and practice such farming. qW vwpwrI jwxIAhu lwhw lY jwvhu ]8] Only then will you be known as a merchant, if you take your profits with you. ||8|| krmu hovY siqguru imlY bUJY bIcwrw ] If the Lord shows His Mercy, one meets the True Guru; contemplating Him, one comes to understand. nwmu vKwxY suxy nwmu nwmy ibauhwrw ]9] Then, one chants the Naam, hears the Naam, and deals only in the Naam. ||9|| ijau lwhw qotw iqvY vwt cldI AweI ] As is the profit, so is the loss; this is the way of the world. jo iqsu BwvY nwnkw sweI vifAweI ]10]13] Whatever pleases His Will, O Nanak, is glory for me. ||10||13|| |