baabaa man saachaa mukh saachaa kahee-ai taree-ai saachaa ho-ee

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1328-3)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

jY kwrix byd bRhmY aucry sMkir CofI mwieAw ]
jai kaaran bayd barahmai uchray sankar chhodee maa-i-aa.
For His sake, Brahma uttered the Vedas, and Shiva renounced Maya.

jY kwrix isD Bey audwsI dyvI mrmu n pwieAw ]1]
jai kaaran siDh bha-ay udaasee dayvee maram na paa-i-aa. ||1||
For His sake, the Siddhas became hermits and renunciates; even the gods have not realized His Mystery. ||1||

bwbw min swcw muiK swcw khIAY qrIAY swcw hoeI ]
baabaa man saachaa mukh saachaa kahee-ai taree-ai saachaa ho-ee.
O Baba, keep the True Lord in your mind, and utter the Name of the True Lord with your mouth; the True Lord will carry you across.

dusmnu dUKu n AwvY nyVY hir miq pwvY koeI ]1] rhwau ]
dusman dookh na aavai nayrhai har mat paavai ko-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Enemies and pain shall not even approach you; only a rare few realize the Wisdom of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Agin ibMb pvxY kI bwxI qIin nwm ky dwsw ]
agan bimb pavnai kee banee teen naam kay daasaa.
Fire, water and air make up the world; these three are the slaves of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

qy qskr jo nwmu n lyvih vwsih kot pMcwsw ]2]
tay taskar jo naam na layveh vaaseh kot panchaasaa. ||2||
One who does not chant the Naam is a thief, dwelling in the fortress of the five thieves. ||2||

jy ko eyk krY cMigAweI min iciq bhuqu bPwvY ]
jay ko ayk karai changi-aa-ee man chit bahut bafaavai.
If someone does a good deed for someone else, he totally puffs himself up in his conscious mind.

eyqy gux eyqIAw cMigAweIAw dyie n pCoqwvY ]3]
aytay gun aytee-aa chang-aa-ee-aa day-ay na pachhotaavai. ||3||
The Lord bestows so many virtues and so much goodness; He does not ever regret it. ||3||

quDu swlwhin iqn Dnu plY nwnk kw Dnu soeI ]
tuDh saalaahan tin Dhan palai naanak kaa Dhan so-ee.
Those who praise You gather the wealth in their laps; this is Nanak's wealth.

jy ko jIau khY Enw kau jm kI qlb n hoeI ]4]3]
jay ko jee-o kahai onaa ka-o jam kee talab na ho-ee. ||4||3||
Whoever shows respect to them is not summoned by the Messenger of Death. ||4||3||