jaytay jatan karat tay doobay bhav saagar nahee taari-o ray
gauVI kbIr jIau ] (335-12)ga-orhee kabeer jee-o. Gauree, Kabeer Jee-o: |
jyqy jqn krq qy fUby Bv swgru nhI qwirE ry ] krm Drm krqy bhu sMjm AhMbuiD mnu jwirE ry ]1] Those who practice religious rituals and strict self-discipline - their egotistical pride shall consume their minds. ||1|| sws gRws ko dwqo Twkuru so ikau mnhu ibswirE ry ] Your Lord and Master has given you the breath of life and food to sustain you; Oh, why have you forgotten Him? hIrw lwlu Amolu jnmu hY kaufI bdlY hwirE ry ]1] rhwau ] Human birth is a priceless jewel, which has been squandered in exchange for a worthless shell. ||1||Pause|| iqRsnw iqRKw BUK BRim lwgI ihrdY nwih bIcwirE ry ] The thirst of desire and the hunger of doubt afflict you; you do not contemplate the Lord in your heart. aunmq mwn ihirE mn mwhI gur kw sbdu n DwirE ry ]2] Intoxicated with pride, you cheat yourself; you have not enshrined the Word of the Guru's Shabad within your mind. ||2|| suAwd luBq ieMdRI rs pRyirE md rs lYq ibkwirE ry ] Those who are deluded by sensual pleasures, who are tempted by sexual delights and enjoy wine are corrupt. krm Bwg sMqn sMgwny kwst loh auDwirE ry ]3] But those who, through destiny and good karma, join the Society of the Saints, float over the ocean, like iron attached to wood. ||3|| Dwvq join jnm BRim Qwky Ab duK kir hm hwirE ry ] I have wandered in doubt and confusion, through birth and reincarnation; now, I am so tired. I am suffering in pain and wasting away. kih kbIr gur imlq mhw rsu pRym Bgiq insqwirE ry ]4]1]5]56] Says Kabeer, meeting with the Guru, I have obtained supreme joy; my love and devotion have saved me. ||4||1||5||56|| |