jug maahi naam dulambh hai gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay
gUjrI mhlw 3 ] (490-15)goojree mehlaa 3. Goojaree, Third Mehl: |
jug mwih nwmu dul�Bu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] ibnu nwvY mukiq n hoveI vyKhu ko ivaupwie ]1] Without the Name, no one is liberated; let anyone make other efforts, and see. ||1|| bilhwrI gur Awpxy sd bilhwrY jwau ] I am a sacrifice to my Guru; I am forever a sacrifice to Him. siqgur imilAY hir min vsY shjy rhY smwie ]1] rhwau ] Meeting the True Guru, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and one remains absorbed in Him. ||1||Pause|| jW Bau pwey Awpxw bYrwgu aupjY min Awie ] When God instills His fear, a balanced detachment springs up in the mind. bYrwgY qy hir pweIAY hir isau rhY smwie ]2] Through this detachment, the Lord is obtained, and one remains absorbed in the Lord. ||2|| syie mukq ij mnu ijxih iPir Dwqu n lwgY Awie ] He alone is liberated, who conquers his mind; Maya does not stick to him again. dsvY duAwir rhq kry iqRBvx soJI pwie ]3] He dwells in the Tenth Gate, and obtains the understanding of the three worlds. ||3|| nwnk gur qy guru hoieAw vyKhu iqs kI rjwie ] O Nanak, through the Guru, one becomes the Guru; behold, His Wondrous Will. iehu kwrxu krqw kry joqI joiq smwie ]4]3]5] This deed was done by the Creator Lord; one's light merges into the Light. ||4||3||5|| |