jeevan ta-o ganee-ai har paykhaa
swrMg mhlw 5 ] (1221-9)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
jIvnu qau gnIAY hir pyKw ] krhu ik®pw pRIqm mnmohn Poir Brm kI ryKw ]1] rhwau ] Please be merciful to me, O my Enticing Beloved Lord, and erase the record of my doubts. ||1||Pause|| khq sunq ikCu sWiq n aupjq ibnu ibsws ikAw syKW ] By speaking and listening, tranquility and peace are not found at all. What can anyone learn without faith? pRBU iqAwig Awn jo cwhq qw kY muiK lwgY kwlyKw ]1] One who renounces God and longs for another - his face is blackened with filth. ||1|| jw kY rwis srb suK suAwmI Awn n mwnq ByKw ] One who is blessed with the wealth of our Lord and Master, the Embodiment of Peace, does not believe in any other religious doctrine. nwnk drs mgn mnu moihE pUrn ArQ ibsyKw ]2]65]88] O Nanak, one whose mind is fascinated and intoxicated with the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan - his tasks are perfectly accomplished. ||2||65||88|| |