jee-a paraan Dhan har ko naam
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (376-13)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
jIA pRwn Dnu hir ko nwmu ] eIhw aUhW aun sMig kwmu ]1] Here and hereafter, it is with me, to help me. ||1|| ibnu hir nwm Avru sBu Qorw ] Without the Lord's Name, everything else is useless. iqRpiq AGwvY hir drsin mnu morw ]1] rhwau ] My mind is satisfied and satiated by the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||1||Pause|| Bgiq BMfwr gurbwxI lwl ] Gurbani is the jewel, the treasure of devotion. gwvq sunq kmwvq inhwl ]2] Singing, hearing and acting upon it, one is enraptured. ||2|| crx kml isau lwgo mwnu ] My mind is attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet. siqguir qUTY kIno dwnu ]3] The True Guru, in His Pleasure, has given this gift. ||3|| nwnk kau guir dIiKAw dIn@ ] Unto Nanak, the Guru has revealed these instructions: pRB AibnwsI Git Git cIn@ ]4]23] recognize the Imperishable Lord God in each and every heart. ||4||23|| |