apunay sayvak kee aapay raakhai pooran bha-ee badaa-ee
soriT mhlw 5 ] (621-2)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
jIA jMqR siB iqs ky kIey soeI sMq shweI ] Apuny syvk kI Awpy rwKY pUrn BeI bfweI ]1] He Himself preserves the honor of His servants; their glorious greatness becomes perfect. ||1|| pwrbRhmu pUrw myrY nwil ] The Perfect Supreme Lord God is always with me. guir pUrY pUrI sB rwKI hoey srb dieAwl ]1] rhwau ] The Perfect Guru has perfectly and totally protected me, and now everyone is kind and compassionate to me. ||1||Pause|| Anidnu nwnku nwmu iDAwey jIA pRwn kw dwqw ] Night and day, Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He is the Giver of the soul, and the breath of life itself. Apuny dws kau kMiT lwie rwKY ijau bwirk ipq mwqw ]2]22]50] He hugs His slave close in His loving embrace, like the mother and father hug their child. ||2||22||50|| |