man mayray ayko naam Dhi-aa-ay

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (45-13)
sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

ijnw siqgur isau icqu lwieAw sy pUry prDwn ]
jinaa satgur si-o chit laa-i-aa say pooray parDhaan.
Those who focus their consciousness on the True Guru are perfectly fulfilled and famous.

ijn kau Awip dieAwlu hoie iqn aupjY min igAwnu ]
jin ka-o aap da-i-aal ho-ay tin upjai man gi-aan.
Spiritual wisdom wells up in the minds of those unto whom the Lord Himself shows Mercy.

ijn kau msqik iliKAw iqn pwieAw hir nwmu ]1]
jin ka-o mastak likhi-aa tin paa-i-aa har naam. ||1||
Those who have such destiny written upon their foreheads obtain the Name of the Lord. ||1||

mn myry eyko nwmu iDAwie ]
man mayray ayko naam Dhi-aa-ay.
O my mind, meditate on the Name of the One Lord.

srb suKw suK aUpjih drgh pYDw jwie ]1] rhwau ]
sarab sukhaa sukh oopjahi dargeh paiDhaa jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The happiness of all happiness shall well up, and in the Court of the Lord, you shall be dressed in robes of honor. ||1||Pause||

jnm mrx kw Bau gieAw Bwau Bgiq gopwl ]
janam maran kaa bha-o ga-i-aa bhaa-o bhagat gopaal.
The fear of death and rebirth is removed by performing loving devotional service to the Lord of the World.

swDU sMgiq inrmlw Awip kry pRiqpwl ]
saaDhoo sangat nirmalaa aap karay partipaal.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one becomes immaculate and pure; the Lord Himself takes care of such a one.

jnm mrx kI mlu ktIAY gur drsnu dyiK inhwl ]2]
janam maran kee mal katee-ai gur darsan daykh nihaal. ||2||
The filth of birth and death is washed away, and one is uplifted, beholding the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. ||2||

Qwn Qn�qir riv rihAw pwrbRhmu pRBu soie ]
thaan thanantar rav rahi-aa paarbarahm parabh so-ay.
The Supreme Lord God is pervading all places and interspaces.

sBnw dwqw eyku hY dUjw nwhI koie ]
sabhnaa daataa ayk hai doojaa naahee ko-ay.
The One is the Giver of all-there is no other at all.

iqsu srxweI CutIAY kIqw loVy su hoie ]3]
tis sarnaa-ee chhutee-ai keetaa lorhay so ho-ay. ||3||
In His Sanctuary, one is saved. Whatever He wishes, comes to pass. ||3||

ijn min visAw pwrbRhmu sy pUry prDwn ]
jin man vasi-aa paarbarahm say pooray parDhaan.
Perfectly fulfilled and famous are those, in whose minds the Supreme Lord God abides.

iqn kI soBw inrmlI prgtu BeI jhwn ]
tin kee sobhaa nirmalee pargat bha-ee jahaan.
Their reputation is spotless and pure; they are famous all over the world.

ijnI myrw pRBu iDAwieAw nwnk iqn kurbwn ]4]10]80]
jinee mayraa parabh Dhi-aa-i-aa naanak tin kurbaan. ||4||10||80||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those who meditate on my God. ||4||10||80||