gi-aanee har bolhu din raat
mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1264-7)malaar mehlaa 4. Malaar, Fourth Mehl: |
ijn@ kY hIArY bisE myrw siqguru qy sMq Bly Bl BWiq ] iqn@ dyKy myrw mnu ibgsY hau iqn kY sd bil jWq ]1] Seeing them, my mind blossoms forth in bliss; I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||1|| igAwnI hir bolhu idnu rwiq ] O spiritual teacher, chant the Name of the Lord, day and night. iqn@ kI iqRsnw BUK sB auqrI jo gurmiq rwm rsu KWiq ]1] rhwau ] All hunger and thirst are satisfied, for those who partake of the sublime essence of the Lord, through the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause|| hir ky dws swD sKw jn ijn imilAw lih jwie BrWiq ] The slaves of the Lord are our Holy companions. Meeting with them, doubt is taken away. ijau jl duD iBMn iBMn kwFY cuix hMsulw iqau dyhI qy cuix kwFY swDU haumY qwiq ]2] As the swan separates the milk from the water, the Holy Saint removes the fire of egotism from the body. ||2|| ijn kY pRIiq nwhI hir ihrdY qy kptI nr inq kptu kmWiq ] Those who do not love the Lord in their hearts are deceitful; they continually practice deception. iqn kau ikAw koeI dyie KvwlY Eie Awip bIij Awpy hI KWiq ]3] What can anyone give them to eat? Whatever they themselves plant, they must eat. ||3|| hir kw ichnu soeI hir jn kw hir Awpy jn mih Awpu rKWiq ] This is the Quality of the Lord, and of the Lord's humble servants as well; the Lord places His Own Essence within them. Dnu DMnu gurU nwnku smdrsI ijin inMdw ausqiq qrI qrWiq ]4]5] Blessed, blessed, is Guru Nanak, who looks impartially on all; He crosses over and transcends both slander and praise. ||4||5|| |