tum ghar aavhu mayray meet
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (678-2)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
ijin qum Byjy iqnih bulwey suK shj syqI Gir Awau ] And mMgl gun gwau shj Duin inhcl rwju kmwau ]1] In bliss and ecstasy, sing His Glorious Praises; by this celestial tune, you shall acquire your everlasting kingdom. ||1|| qum Gir Awvhu myry mIq ] Come back to your home, O my friend. qumry doKI hir Awip invwry Apdw BeI ibqIq ] rhwau ] The Lord Himself has eliminated your enemies, and your misfortunes are past. ||Pause|| pRgt kIny pRB krnyhwry nwsn Bwjn Qwky ] God, the Creator Lord, has glorified you, and your running and rushing around has ended. Gir mMgl vwjih inq vwjy ApunY Ksim invwjy ]2] In your home, there is rejoicing; the musical instruments continually play, and your Husband Lord has exalted you. ||2|| AsiQr rhhu folhu mq kbhU gur kY bcin ADwir ] Remain firm and steady, and do not ever waver; take the Guru's Word as your Support. jY jY kwru sgl BU mMfl muK aUjl drbwr ]3] You shall be applauded and congratulated all over the world, and your face shall be radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||3|| ijn ky jIA iqnY hI Pyry Awpy BieAw shweI ] All beings belong to Him; He Himself transforms them, and He Himself becomes their help and support. Acrju kIAw krnYhwrY nwnk scu vifAweI ]4]4]28] The Creator Lord has worked a wondrous miracle; O Nanak, His glorious greatness is true. ||4||4||28|| |