jin keetaa maatee tay ratan
gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ] (177-11)ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5. Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl: |
ijin kIqw mwtI qy rqnu ] grB mih rwiKAw ijin kir jqnu ] and He managed to preserve you in the womb. ijin dInI soBw vifAweI ] He has given you fame and greatness; iqsu pRB kau AwT phr iDAweI ]1] meditate on that God, twenty-four hours a day. ||1|| rmeIAw rynu swD jn pwvau ] O Lord, I seek the dust of the feet of the Holy. gur imil Apunw Ksmu iDAwvau ]1] rhwau ] Meeting the Guru, I meditate on my Lord and Master. ||1||Pause|| ijin kIqw mUV qy bkqw ] He transformed me, the fool, into a fine speaker, ijin kIqw bysurq qy surqw ] and He made the unconscious become conscious; ijsu prswid nvY iniD pweI ] by His Grace, I have obtained the nine treasures. so pRBu mn qy ibsrq nwhI ]2] May I never forget that God from my mind. ||2|| ijin dIAw inQwvy kau Qwnu ] He has given a home to the homeless; ijin dIAw inmwny kau mwnu ] He has given honor to the dishonored. ijin kInI sB pUrn Awsw ] He has fulfilled all desires; ismrau idnu rYin sws igrwsw ]3] remember Him in meditation, day and night, with every breath and every morsel of food. ||3|| ijsu pRswid mwieAw islk kwtI ] By His Grace, the bonds of Maya are cut away. gur pRswid AMimRqu ibKu KwtI ] By Guru's Grace, the bitter poison has become Ambrosial Nectar. khu nwnk ies qy ikCu nwhI ] Says Nanak, I cannot do anything; rwKnhwry kau swlwhI ]4]6]75] I praise the Lord, the Protector. ||4||6||75|| |