jit ghar pir sohaag banaa-i-aa
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (97-15)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: |
ijqu Gir ipir sohwgu bxwieAw ] iqqu Gir sKIey mMglu gwieAw ] -in that house, O my companions, sing the songs of rejoicing. And ibnod iqqY Gir sohih jo Dn kMiq isgwrI jIau ]1] Joy and celebrations decorate that house, in which the Husband Lord has adorned His soul-bride. ||1|| sw guxvMqI sw vfBwgix ] She is virtuous, and she is very fortunate; puqRvMqI sIlvMiq sohwgix ] she is blessed with sons and tender-hearted. The happy soul-bride is loved by her Husband. rUpvMiq sw suGiV ibcKix jo Dn kMq ipAwrI jIau ]2] She is beautiful, wise, and clever. That soul-bride is the beloved of her Husband Lord. ||2|| AcwrvMiq sweI prDwny ] She is well-mannered, noble and distinguished. sB isMgwr bxy iqsu igAwny ] She is decorated and adorned with wisdom. sw kulvMqI sw sBrweI jo ipir kY rMig svwrI jIau ]3] She is from a most respected family; she is the queen, adorned with the Love of her Husband Lord. ||3|| mihmw iqs kI khxu n jwey ] Her glory cannot be described; jo ipir myil leI AMig lwey ] she melts in the Embrace of her Husband Lord. iQru suhwgu vru Agmu Agocru jn nwnk pRym swDwrI jIau ]4]4]11] Her marriage is eternal; her Husband is Inaccessible and Incomprehensible. O Servant Nanak, His Love is her only Support. ||4||4||11|| |