jis mili-ai man ho-ay anand so satgur kahee-ai

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] (168-11)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4.
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl:

ijsu imilAY min hoie An�du so siqguru khIAY ]
jis mili-ai man ho-ay anand so satgur kahee-ai.
Meeting Him, the mind is filled with bliss. He is called the True Guru.

mn kI duibDw ibnis jwie hir prm pdu lhIAY ]1]
man kee dubiDhaa binas jaa-ay har param pad lahee-ai. ||1||
Double-mindedness departs, and the supreme status of the Lord is obtained. ||1||

myrw siqguru ipAwrw ikqu ibiD imlY ]
mayraa satgur pi-aaraa kit biDh milai.
How can I meet my Beloved True Guru?

hau iKnu iKnu krI nmskwru myrw guru pUrw ikau imlY ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o khin khin karee namaskaar mayraa gur pooraa ki-o milai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Each and every moment, I humbly bow to Him. How will I meet my Perfect Guru? ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw hir myilAw myrw siqguru pUrw ]
kar kirpaa har mayli-aa mayraa satgur pooraa.
Granting His Grace, the Lord has led me to meet my Perfect True Guru.

ieC puMnI jn kyrIAw ly siqgur DUrw ]2]
ichh punnee jan kayree-aa lay satgur Dhooraa. ||2||
The desire of His humble servant has been fulfilled. I have received the dust of the Feet of the True Guru. ||2||

hir Bgiq idRVwvY hir Bgiq suxY iqsu siqgur imlIAY ]
har bhagat darirh-aavai har bhagat sunai tis satgur milee-ai.
Those who meet the True Guru implant devotional worship to the Lord, and listen to this devotional worship of the Lord.

qotw mUil n AwveI hir lwBu iniq idRVIAY ]3]
totaa mool na aavee har laabh nit darirhee-ai. ||3||
They never suffer any loss; they continually earn the profit of the Lord. ||3||

ijs kau irdY ivgwsu hY Bwau dUjw nwhI ]
jis ka-o ridai vigaas hai bhaa-o doojaa naahee.
One whose heart blossoms forth, is not in love with duality.

nwnk iqsu gur imil auDrY hir gux gwvwhI ]4]8]14]52]
naanak tis gur mil uDhrai har gun gaavaahee. ||4||8||14||52||
O Nanak, meeting the Guru, one is saved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||8||14||52||