gur har bin ko na baritha dukh kaatai
gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (497-2)goojree mehlaa 5. Goojaree, Fifth Mehl: |
ijsu mwnuK pih krau bynqI so ApnY duiK BirAw ] pwrbRhmu ijin irdY ArwiDAw iqin Bau swgru qirAw ]1] One who worships in his heart the Supreme Lord God, crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1|| gur hir ibnu ko n ibRQw duKu kwtY ] No one, except the Guru-Lord, can dispel our pain and sorrow. pRBu qij Avr syvku jy hoeI hY iqqu mwnu mhqu jsu GwtY ]1] rhwau ] Forsaking God, and serving another, one's honor, dignity and reputation are decreased. ||1||Pause|| mwieAw ky snbMD sYn swk ikq hI kwim n AwieAw ] Relatives, relations and family bound through Maya are of no avail. hir kw dwsu nIc kulu aUcw iqsu sMig mn bWCq Pl pwieAw ]2] The Lord's servant, although of lowly birth, is exalted. Associating with him, one obtains the fruits of his mind's desires. ||2|| lwK koit ibiKAw ky ibMjn qw mih iqRsn n bUJI ] Through corruption, one may obtain thousands and millions of enjoyments, but even so, his desires are not satisfied through them. ismrq nwmu koit aujIAwrw bsqu Agocr sUJI ]3] Remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord, millions of lights appear, and the incomprehensible is understood. ||3|| iPrq iPrq qum@rY duAwir AwieAw BY BMjn hir rwieAw ] Wandering and roaming around, I have come to Your Door, Destroyer of fear, O Lord King. swD ky crn DUir jnu bwCY suKu nwnk iehu pwieAw ]4]6]7] Servant Nanak yearns for the dust of the feet of the Holy; in it, he finds peace. ||4||6||7|| |