tis saalaahee jis har Dhan raas
BYrau mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 2 (1155-17)bhairo mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa ghar 2 Bhairao, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Second House: |
ijsu nwmu irdY soeI vf rwjw ] ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu pUry kwjw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart - his tasks are perfectly accomplished. ijsu nwmu irdY iqin koit Dn pwey ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart, obtains millions of treasures. nwm ibnw jnmu ibrQw jwey ]1] Without the Naam, life is useless. ||1|| iqsu swlwhI ijsu hir Dnu rwis ] I praise that person, who has the capital of the Lord's Wealth. so vfBwgI ijsu gur msqik hwQu ]1] rhwau ] He is very fortunate, on whose forehead the Guru has placed His Hand. ||1||Pause|| ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu kot keI sYnw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart, has many millions of armies on his side. ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu shj suKYnw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart, enjoys peace and poise. ijsu nwmu irdY so sIqlu hUAw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart becomes cool and calm. nwm ibnw iDRgu jIvxu mUAw ]2] Without the Naam, both life and death are cursed. ||2|| ijsu nwmu irdY so jIvn mukqw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is Jivan-mukta, liberated while yet alive. ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu sB hI jugqw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart knows all ways and means. ijsu nwmu irdY iqin nau iniD pweI ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart obtains the nine treasures. nwm ibnw BRim AwvY jweI ]3] Without the Naam, the mortal wanders, coming and going in reincarnation. ||3|| ijsu nwmu irdY so vyprvwhw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is carefree and independent. ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu sd hI lwhw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart always earns a profit. ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu vf prvwrw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart has a large family. nwm ibnw mnmuK gwvwrw ]4] Without the Naam, the mortal is just an ignorant, self-willed manmukh. ||4|| ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu inhcl Awsnu ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart has a permanent position. ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu qKiq invwsnu ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is seated on the throne. ijsu nwmu irdY so swcw swhu ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is the true king. nwmhIx nwhI piq vyswhu ]5] Without the Naam, no one has any honor or respect. ||5|| ijsu nwmu irdY so sB mih jwqw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is famous everywhere. ijsu nwmu irdY so purKu ibDwqw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is the Embodiment of the Creator Lord. ijsu nwmu irdY so sB qy aUcw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is the highest of all. nwm ibnw BRim jonI mUcw ]6] Without the Naam, the mortal wanders in reincarnation. ||6|| ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu pRgit phwrw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart sees the Lord manifested in His Creation. ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu imitAw AMDwrw ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart - his darkness is dispelled. ijsu nwmu irdY so purKu prvwxu ] One who keeps the Naam in his heart is approved and accepted. nwm ibnw iPir Awvx jwxu ]7] Without the Naam, the mortal continues coming and going in reincarnation. ||7|| iqin nwmu pwieAw ijsu BieE ik®pwl ] He alone receives the Naam, who is blessed by the Lord's Mercy. swDsMgiq mih lKy guopwl ] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Lord of the World is understood. Awvx jwx rhy suKu pwieAw ] Coming and going in reincarnation ends, and peace is found. khu nwnk qqY qqu imlwieAw ]8]1]4] Says Nanak, my essence has merged in the Essence of the Lord. ||8||1||4|| |