tayraa jan raam naam rang jaagaa
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (682-4)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
ijs kau ibsrY pRwnpiq dwqw soeI gnhu ABwgw ] crn kml jw kw mnu rwigE AimA srovr pwgw ]1] One whose mind is in love with the Lord's lotus feet, obtains the pool of ambrosial nectar. ||1|| qyrw jnu rwm nwm rMig jwgw ] Your humble servant awakes in the Love of the Lord's Name. Awlsu CIij gieAw sBu qn qy pRIqm isau mnu lwgw ] rhwau ] All laziness has departed from his body, and his mind is attached to the Beloved Lord. ||Pause|| jh jh pyKau qh nwrwiex sgl Gtw mih qwgw ] Wherever I look, the Lord is there; He is the string, upon which all hearts are strung. nwm audku pIvq jn nwnk iqAwgy siB Anurwgw ]2]16]47] Drinking in the water of the Naam, servant Nanak has renounced all other loves. ||2||16||47|| |