ji-o meenaa bin paanee-ai ti-o saakat marai pi-aas
soriT mhlw 1 ] (597-11)sorath mehlaa 1. Sorat'h, First Mehl: |
ijau mInw ibnu pwxIAY iqau swkqu mrY ipAws ] iqau hir ibnu mrIAY ry mnw jo ibrQw jwvY swsu ]1] So shall you die, O mind, without the Lord, as your breath goes in vain. ||1|| mn ry rwm nwm jsu lyie ] O mind, chant the Lord's Name, and praise Him. ibnu gur iehu rsu ikau lhau guru mylY hir dyie ] rhwau ] Without the Guru, how will you obtain this juice? The Guru shall unite you with the Lord. ||Pause|| sMq jnw imlu sMgqI gurmuiK qIrQu hoie ] For the Gurmukh, meeting with the Society of the Saints is like making a pilgrimage to a sacred shrine. ATsiT qIrQ mjnw gur drsu prwpiq hoie ]2] The benefit of bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage is obtained by the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. ||2|| ijau jogI jq bwhrw qpu nwhI squ sMqoKu ] Like the Yogi without abstinence, and like penance without truth and contentment, iqau nwmY ibnu dyhurI jmu mwrY AMqir doKu ]3] so is the body without the Lord's Name; death will slay it, because of the sin within. ||3|| swkq pRymu n pweIAY hir pweIAY siqgur Bwie ] The faithless cynic does not obtain the Lord's Love; the Lord's Love is obtained only through the True Guru. suK duK dwqw guru imlY khu nwnk isPiq smwie ]4]7] One who meets with the Guru, the Giver of pleasure and pain, says Nanak, is absorbed in the Lord's Praise. ||4||7|| |