mayray raam ham baarik har parabh kay hai i-aanay
gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] (168-1)ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4. Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl: |
ijau jnnI suqu jix pwlqI rwKY ndir mJwir ] AMqir bwhir muiK dy igrwsu iKnu iKnu pocwir ] - indoors and outdoors, she puts food in his mouth; each and every moment, she caresses him. iqau siqguru gurisK rwKqw hir pRIiq ipAwir ]1] In just the same way, the True Guru protects His GurSikhs, who love their Beloved Lord. ||1|| myry rwm hm bwirk hir pRB ky hY ieAwxy ] O my Lord, we are just the ignorant children of our Lord God. DMnu DMnu gurU guru siqguru pwDw ijin hir aupdysu dy kIey isAwxy ]1] rhwau ] Hail, hail, to the Guru, the Guru, the True Guru, the Divine Teacher who has made me wise through the Lord's Teachings. ||1||Pause|| jYsI ggin iPrMqI aUfqI kpry bwgy vwlI ] The white flamingo circles through the sky, Eh rwKY cIqu pICY ibic bcry inq ihrdY swir smwlI ] but she keeps her young ones in her mind; she has left them behind, but she constantly remembers them in her heart. iqau siqgur isK pRIiq hir hir kI guru isK rKY jIA nwlI ]2] In just the same way, the True Guru loves His Sikhs. The Lord cherishes His GurSikhs, and keeps them clasped to His Heart. ||2|| jYsy kwqI qIs bqIs hY ivic rwKY rsnw mws rqu kyrI ] Just as the tongue, made of flesh and blood, is protected within the scissors of the thirty-two teeth koeI jwxhu mws kwqI kY ikCu hwiQ hY sB vsgiq hY hir kyrI ] - who thinks that the power lies in the flesh or the scissors? Everything is in the Power of the Lord. iqau sMq jnw kI nr inMdw krih hir rwKY pYj jn kyrI ]3] In just the same way, when someone slanders the Saint, the Lord preserves the honor of His servant. ||3|| BweI mq koeI jwxhu iksI kY ikCu hwiQ hY sB kry krwieAw ] O Siblings of Destiny, let none think that they have any power. All act as the Lord causes them to act. jrw mrw qwpu isriq swpu sBu hir kY vis hY koeI lwig n skY ibnu hir kw lwieAw ] Old age, death, fever, poisons and snakes - everything is in the Hands of the Lord. Nothing can touch anyone without the Lord's Order. AYsw hir nwmu min iciq iniq iDAwvhu jn nwnk jo AMqI Aausir ley CfwieAw ]4]7]13]51] Within your conscious mind, O servant Nanak, meditate forever on the Name of the Lord, who shall deliver you in the end. ||4||7||13||51|| |