jaachik naam jaachai jaachai
kilAwn mhlw 5 ] (1321-16)kali-aan mehlaa 5. Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl: |
jwicku nwmu jwcY jwcY ] srb Dwr srb ky nwiek suK smUh ky dwqy ]1] rhwau ] You are the Support of all, the Master of all, the Giver of absolute peace. ||1||Pause|| kyqI kyqI mWgin mwgY BwvnIAw so pweIAY ]1] So many, so very many, beg for charity at Your Door; they receive only what You are pleased to give. ||1|| sPl sPl sPl drsu ry pris pris gun gweIAY ] Fruitful, fruitful, fruitful is the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; touching His Touch, I sing His Glorious Praises. nwnk qq qq isau imlIAY hIrY hIru ibDweIAY ]2]2] O Nanak, one's essence is blended into the Essence; the diamond of the mind is pierced through by the Diamond of the Lord. ||2||2|| |