jaa parabh kee ha-o chayrulee so sabh tay oochaa

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (400-3)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jw pRB kI hau cyrulI so sB qy aUcw ]
jaa parabh kee ha-o chayrulee so sabh tay oochaa.
I am God's maid-servant; He is the highest of all.

sBu ikCu qw kw kWFIAY Qorw Aru mUcw ]1]
sabh kichh taa kaa kaaNdhee-ai thoraa ar moochaa. ||1||
All things, big and small, are said to belong to Him. ||1||

jIA pRwn myrw Dno swihb kI mnIAw ]
jee-a paraan mayraa Dhano saahib kee manee-aa.
I surrender my soul, my breath of life, and my wealth, to my Lord Master.

nwim ijsY kY aUjlI iqsu dwsI gnIAw ]1] rhwau ]
naam jisai kai oojlee tis daasee ganee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through His Name, I become radiant; I am known as His slave. ||1||Pause||

vyprvwhu An�d mY nwau mwxk hIrw ]
vayparvaahu anand mai naa-o maanak heeraa.
You are Carefree, the Embodiment of Bliss. Your Name is a gem, a jewel.

rjI DweI sdw suKu jw kw qUM mIrw ]2]
rajee Dhaa-ee sadaa sukh jaa kaa tooN meeraa. ||2||
One who has You as her Master, is satisfied, satiated and happy forever. ||2||

sKI shyrI sMg kI sumiq idRVwvau ]
sakhee sahayree sang kee sumat darirhaava-o.
O my companions and fellow maidens, please implant that balanced understanding within me.

syvhu swDU Bwau kir qau iniD hir pwvau ]3]
sayvhu saaDhoo bhaa-o kar ta-o niDh har paava-o. ||3||
Serve the Holy Saints lovingly, and find the treasure of the Lord. ||3||

sglI dwsI TwkurY sB khqI myrw ]
saglee daasee thaakurai sabh kahtee mayraa.
All are servants of the Lord Master, and all call Him their own.

ijsih sIgwry nwnkw iqsu suKih bsyrw ]4]15]117]
jisahi seegaaray naankaa tis sukheh basayraa. ||4||15||117||
She alone dwells in peace, O Nanak, whom the Lord adorns. ||4||15||117||