jaa kai hirdai vasi-aa too kartay taa kee taiN aas pujaa-ee
soriT mhlw 5 Gru 1 ] (610-13)sorath mehlaa 5 ghar 1. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, First House: |
jw kY ihrdY visAw qU krqy qw kI qYN Aws pujweI ] dws Apuny kau qU ivsrih nwhI crx DUir min BweI ]1] Your slaves do not forget You; the dust of Your feet is pleasing to their minds. ||1|| qyrI AkQ kQw kQnu n jweI ] Your Unspoken Speech cannot be spoken. gux inDwn suKdwqy suAwmI sB qy aUc bfweI ] rhwau ] O treasure of excellence, Giver of peace, Lord and Master, Your greatness is the highest of all. ||Pause|| so so krm krq hY pRwxI jYsI qum iliK pweI ] The mortal does those deeds, and those alone, which You ordained by destiny. syvk kau qum syvw dInI drsnu dyiK AGweI ]2] Your servant, whom You bless with Your service, is satisfied and fulfilled, beholding the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||2|| srb inrMqir qumih smwny jw kau quDu Awip buJweI ] You are contained in all, but he alone realizes this, whom You bless with understanding. gur prswid imitE AigAwnw pRgt Bey sB TweI ]3] By Guru's Grace, his spiritual ignorance is dispelled, and he is respected everywhere. ||3|| soeI igAwnI soeI iDAwnI soeI purKu suBweI ] He alone is spiritually enlightened, he alone is a meditator, and he alone is a man of good nature. khu nwnk ijsu Bey dieAwlw qw kau mn qy ibsir n jweI ]4]8] Says Nanak, one unto whom the Lord becomes Merciful, does not forget the Lord from his mind. ||4||8|| |