jaa kai simran sookh nivaas
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (386-11)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
jw kY ismrin sUK invwsu ] BeI kilAwx duK hovq nwsu ]1] one becomes happy, and suffering is ended. ||1|| Andu krhu pRB ky gun gwvhu ] Celebrate, make merry, and sing God's Glories. siqguru Apnw sd sdw mnwvhu ]1] rhwau ] Forever and ever, surrender to the True Guru. ||1||Pause|| siqgur kw scu sbdu kmwvhu ] Act in accordance with the Shabad, the True Word of the True Guru. iQru Gir bYTy pRBu Apnw pwvhu ]2] Remain steady and stable within the home of your own self, and find God. ||2|| pr kw burw n rwKhu cIq ] Do not harbor evil intentions against others in your mind, qum kau duKu nhI BweI mIq ]3] and you shall not be troubled, O Siblings of Destiny, O friends. ||3|| hir hir qMqu mMqu guir dIn@w ] The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the Tantric exercise, and the Mantra, given by the Guru. iehu suKu nwnk Anidnu cIn@w ]4]11]62] Nanak knows this peace alone, night and day. ||4||11||62|| |