jaa ko naam lait too sukhee

soriT mhlw 5 ] (617-5)
sorath mehlaa 5.
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

jw kY ismrix hoie An�dw ibnsY jnm mrx BY duKI ]
jaa kai simran ho-ay anandaa binsai janam maran bhai dukhee.
Meditating on Him, one is in ecstasy; the pains of birth and death and fear are removed.

cwir pdwrQ nv iniD pwvih bhuir n iqRsnw BuKI ]1]
chaar padaarath nav niDh paavahi bahur na tarisnaa bhukhee. ||1||
The four cardinal blessings, and the nine treasures are received; you shall never feel hunger or thirst again. ||1||

jw ko nwmu lYq qU suKI ]
jaa ko naam lait too sukhee.
Chanting His Name, you shall be at peace.

swis swis iDAwvhu Twkur kau mn qn jIAry muKI ]1] rhwau ]
saas saas Dhi-aavahu thaakur ka-o man tan jee-aray mukhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With each and every breath, meditate on the Lord and Master, O my soul, with mind, body and mouth. ||1||Pause||

sWiq pwvih hovih mn sIql Agin n AMqir DuKI ]
saaNt paavahi hoveh man seetal agan na antar Dhukhee.
You shall find peace, and your mind shall be soothed and cooled; the fire of desire shall not burn within you.

gur nwnk kau pRBU idKwieAw jil Qil iqRBvix ruKI ]2]2]30]
gur naanak ka-o parabhoo dikhaa-i-aa jal thal taribhavan rukhee. ||2||2||30||
The Guru has revealed God to Nanak, in the three worlds, in the water, the earth and the woods. ||2||2||30||