say santan har kay mayray meet
goNf mhlw 5 ] (863-15)gond mehlaa 5. Gond, Fifth Mehl: |
jw kY sMig iehu mnu inrmlu ] jw kY sMig hir hir ismrnu ] Associating with them, one meditates in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har. jw kY sMig iklibK hoih nws ] Associating with them, all the sins are erased. jw kY sMig irdY prgws ]1] Associating with them, the heart is illumined. ||1|| sy sMqn hir ky myry mIq ] Those Saints of the Lord are my friends. kyvl nwmu gweIAY jw kY nIq ]1] rhwau ] It is their custom to sing only the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| jw kY mMiqR hir hir min vsY ] By their mantra, the Lord, Har, Har, dwells in the mind. jw kY aupdyis Brmu Bau nsY ] By their teachings, doubt and fear are dispelled. jw kY kIriq inrml swr ] By their kirtan, they become immaculate and sublime. jw kI rynu bWCY sMswr ]2] The world longs for the dust of their feet. ||2|| koit piqq jw kY sMig auDwr ] Millions of sinners are saved by associating with them. eyku inrMkwru jw kY nwm ADwr ] They have the Support of the Name of the One Formless Lord. srb jIAW kw jwnY Byau ] He knows the secrets of all beings; ik®pw inDwn inrMjn dyau ]3] He is the treasure of mercy, the divine immaculate Lord. ||3|| pwrbRhm jb Bey ik®pwl ] When the Supreme Lord God becomes merciful, qb Byty gur swD dieAwl ] then one meets the Merciful Holy Guru. idnu rYix nwnku nwmu iDAwey ] Day and night, Nanak meditates on the Naam. sUK shj Awn�d hir nwey ]4]4]6] Through the Lord's Name, he is blessed with peace, poise and bliss. ||4||4||6|| |