thaakur gaa-ee-ai aatam rang
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (679-17)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
jw kau hir rMgu lwgo iesu jug mih so khIAq hY sUrw ] Awqm ijxY sgl vis qw kY jw kw siqguru pUrw ]1] Through the Perfect True Guru, he conquers his own soul, and then everything comes under his control. ||1|| Twkuru gweIAY Awqm rMig ] Sing the Praises of the Lord and Master, with the love of your soul. srxI pwvn nwm iDAwvn shij smwvn sMig ]1] rhwau ] Those who seek His Sanctuary, and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are blended with the Lord in celestial peace. ||1||Pause|| jn ky crn vsih myrY hIArY sMig punIqw dyhI ] The feet of the Lord's humble servant abide in my heart; with them, my body is made pure. jn kI DUir dyhu ikrpw iniD nwnk kY suKu eyhI ]2]4]35] O treasure of mercy, please bless Nanak with the dust of the feet of Your humble servants; this alone brings peace. ||2||4||35|| |