kara-o manorath manai maahi apnay parabh tay paava-o
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (813-13)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
jlu Fovau ieh sIs kir kr pg pKlwvau ] bwir jwau lK byrIAw drsu pyiK jIvwvau ]1] Tens of thousands of times, I am a sacrifice to them; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, I live. ||1|| krau mnorQ mnY mwih Apny pRB qy pwvau ] The hopes which I cherish in my mind - my God fulfills them all. dyau sUhnI swD kY bIjnu Folwvau ]1] rhwau ] With my broom, I sweep the homes of the Holy Saints, and wave the fan over them. ||1||Pause|| AMimRq gux sMq bolqy suix mnih pIlwvau ] The Saints chant the Ambrosial Praises of the Lord; I listen, and my mind drinks it in. auAw rs mih sWiq iqRpiq hoie ibKY jlin buJwvau ]2] That sublime essence calms and soothes me, and quenches the fire of sin and corruption. ||2|| jb Bgiq krih sMq mMflI iqn@ imil hir gwvau ] When the galaxy of Saints worship the Lord in devotion, I join them, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. krau nmskwr Bgq jn DUir muiK lwvau ]3] I bow in reverence to the humble devotees, and apply the dust of their feet to my face. ||3|| aUTq bYTq jpau nwmu iehu krmu kmwvau ] Sitting down and standing up, I chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord; this is what I do. nwnk kI pRB bynqI hir srin smwvau ]4]21]51] This is Nanak's prayer to God, that he may merge in the Lord's Sanctuary. ||4||21||51|| |