tayraa ayko naam manjeeth-rhaa rataa mayraa cholaa sad rang dholaa

sUhI mhlw 1 ] (729-8)
soohee mehlaa 1.
Soohee, First Mehl:

jp qp kw bMDu byVulw ijqu l�Gih vhylw ]
jap tap kaa banDh bayrhulaa jit langheh vahaylaa.
Build the raft of meditation and self-discipline, to carry you across the river.

nw srvru nw aUClY AYsw pMQu suhylw ]1]
naa sarvar naa oochhlai aisaa panth suhaylaa. ||1||
There will be no ocean, and no rising tides to stop you; this is how comfortable your path shall be. ||1||

qyrw eyko nwmu mMjITVw rqw myrw colw sd rMg Folw ]1] rhwau ]
tayraa ayko naam manjeeth-rhaa rataa mayraa cholaa sad rang dholaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your Name alone is the color, in which the robe of my body is dyed. This color is permanent, O my Beloved. ||1||Pause||

swjn cly ipAwirAw ikau mylw hoeI ]
saajan chalay pi-aari-aa ki-o maylaa ho-ee.
My beloved friends have departed; how will they meet the Lord?

jy gux hovih gMTVIAY mylygw soeI ]2]
jay gun hoveh ganth-rhee-ai maylaygaa so-ee. ||2||
If they have virtue in their pack, the Lord will unite them with Himself. ||2||

imilAw hoie n vICuVY jy imilAw hoeI ]
mili-aa ho-ay na veechhurhai jay mili-aa ho-ee.
Once united with Him, they will not be separated again, if they are truly united.

Awvw gauxu invwirAw hY swcw soeI ]3]
aavaa ga-on nivaari-aa hai saachaa so-ee. ||3||
The True Lord brings their comings and goings to an end. ||3||

haumY mwir invwirAw sIqw hY colw ]
ha-umai maar nivaari-aa seetaa hai cholaa.
One who subdues and eradicates egotism, sews the robe of devotion.

gur bcnI Plu pwieAw sh ky AMimRq bolw ]4]
gur bachnee fal paa-i-aa sah kay amrit bolaa. ||4||
Following the Word of the Guru's Teachings, she receives the fruits of her reward, the Ambrosial Words of the Lord. ||4||

nwnku khY shylIho shu Krw ipAwrw ]
naanak kahai sahayleeho saho kharaa pi-aaraa.
Says Nanak, O soul-brides, our Husband Lord is so dear!

hm sh kyrIAw dwsIAw swcw Ksmu hmwrw ]5]2]4]
ham sah kayree-aa daasee-aa saachaa khasam hamaaraa. ||5||2||4||
We are the servants, the hand-maidens of the Lord; He is our True Lord and Master. ||5||2||4||