nindak ahilaa janam gavaa-i-aa
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (380-17)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
jnm jnm kI mlu DovY prweI Awpxw kIqw pwvY ] eIhw suKu nhI drgh FoeI jm puir jwie pcwvY ]1] He has no peace in this world, and he has no place in the Court of the Lord. In the City of Death, he is tortured. ||1|| inMdik Aihlw jnmu gvwieAw ] The slanderer loses his life in vain. phuic n swkY kwhU bwqY AwgY Taur n pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] He cannot succeed in anything, and in the world hereafter, he finds no place at all. ||1||Pause|| ikrqu pieAw inMdk bpury kw ikAw Ehu krY ibcwrw ] Such is the fate of the wretched slanderer - what can the poor creature do? qhw ibgUqw jh koie n rwKY Ehu iksu pih kry pukwrw ]2] He is ruined there, where no one can protect him; with whom should he lodge his complaint? ||2|| inMdk kI giq kqhUM nwhI KsmY eyvY Bwxw ] The slanderer shall never attain emancipation; this is the Will of the Lord and Master. jo jo inMd kry sMqn kI iqau sMqn suKu mwnw ]3] The more the Saints are slandered, the more they dwell in peace. ||3|| sMqw tyk qumwrI suAwmI qUM sMqn kw shweI ] The Saints have Your Support, O Lord and Master; You are the Saints' Help and Support. khu nwnk sMq hir rwKy inMdk dIey ruVweI ]4]2]41] Says Nanak, the Saints are saved by the Lord; the slanderers are drowned in the deep. ||4||2||41|| |