jan ko parabh sangay asnayhu
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1307-17)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: |
jn ko pRBu sMgy Asnyhu ] swjno qU mIqu myrw igRih qyrY sBu kyhu ]1] rhwau ] You are my Friend, my very best Friend; everything is in Your Home. ||1||Pause|| mwnu mWgau qwnu mWgau Dnu lKmI suq dyh ]1] I beg for honor, I beg for strength; please bless me with wealth, property and children. ||1|| mukiq jugiq Bugiq pUrn prmwn�d prm inDwn ] You are the Technology of liberation, the Way to worldly success, the Perfect Lord of Supreme Bliss, the Transcendent Treasure. BY Bwie Bgiq inhwl nwnk sdw sdw kurbwn ]2]4]49] In the Fear of God and loving devotion, Nanak is exalted and enraptured, forever and ever a sacrifice to Him. ||2||4||49|| |