maa-ee kahaa kara-o ih man na Dheerai
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (373-11)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
jau mY kIE sgl sIgwrw ] qau BI myrw mnu n pqIAwrw ] still, my mind was not satisfied. Aink sugMDq qn mih lwvau ] I applied various scented oils to my body, Ehu suKu iqlu smwin nhI pwvau ] and yet, I did not obtain even a tiny bit of pleasure from this. mn mih icqvau AYsI AwsweI ] Within my mind, I hold such a desire, ipRA dyKq jIvau myrI mweI ]1] that I may live only to behold my Beloved, O my mother. ||1|| mweI khw krau iehu mnu n DIrY ] O mother, what should I do? This mind cannot rest. ipRA pRIqm bYrwgu ihrY ]1] rhwau ] It is bewitched by the tender love of my Beloved. ||1||Pause|| bsqR ibBUKn suK bhuq ibsyKY ] Garments, ornaments, and such exquisite pleasures Eie BI jwnau ikqY n lyKY ] - I look upon these as of no account. piq soBw Aru mwnu mhqu ] Likewise, honor, fame, dignity and greatness, AwigAwkwrI sgl jgqu ] obedience by the whole world, igRhu AYsw hY suMdr lwl ] and a household as beautiful as a jewel. pRB Bwvw qw sdw inhwl ]2] If I am pleasing to God's Will, then I shall be blessed, and forever in bliss. ||2|| ibMjn Bojn Aink prkwr ] With foods and delicacies of so many different kinds, rMg qmwsy bhuqu ibsQwr ] and such abundant pleasures and entertainments, rwj imlK Aru bhuqu Purmwieis ] power and property and absolute command mnu nhI DRwpY iqRsnw nw jwieis ] - with these, the mind is not satisfied, and its thirst is not quenched. ibnu imlby iehu idnu n ibhwvY ] Without meeting Him, this day does not pass. imlY pRBU qw sB suK pwvY ]3] Meeting God, I find peace. ||3|| Kojq Kojq sunI ieh soie ] By searching and seeking, I have heard this news, swDsMgiq ibnu qirE n koie ] that without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, no one swims across. ijsu msqik Bwgu iqin siqguru pwieAw ] One who has this good destiny written upon his forehead, finds the True Guru. pUrI Awsw mnu iqRpqwieAw ] His hopes are fulfilled, and his mind is satisfied. pRB imilAw qw cUkI fMJw ] When one meets God, then his thirst is quenched. nwnk lDw mn qn mMJw ]4]11] Nanak has found the Lord, within his mind and body. ||4||11|| |