chhod jaahi say karahi paraal
DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 2 caupdy (676-8)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 ghar 2 cha-upday Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Chau-Padas: |
Coif jwih sy krih prwl ] kwim n Awvih sy jMjwl ] These entanglements shall be of no use to you. sMig n cwlih iqn isau hIq ] You are in love with those things that will not go with you. jo bYrweI syeI mIq ]1] You think that your enemies are friends. ||1|| AYsy Brim Buly sMswrw ] In such confusion, the world has gone astray. jnmu pdwrQu Koie gvwrw ] rhwau ] The foolish mortal wastes this precious human life. ||Pause|| swcu Drmu nhI BwvY fITw ] He does not like to see Truth and righteousness. JUT Doh isau ricE mITw ] He is attached to falsehood and deception; they seem sweet to him. dwiq ipAwrI ivsirAw dwqwrw ] He loves gifts, but he forgets the Giver. jwxY nwhI mrxu ivcwrw ]2] The wretched creature does not even think of death. ||2|| vsqu prweI kau auiT rovY ] He cries for the possessions of others. krm Drm sglw eI KovY ] He forfeits all the merits of his good deeds and religion. hukmu n bUJY Awvx jwxy ] He does not understand the Hukam of the Lord's Command, and so he continues coming and going in reincarnation. pwp krY qw pCoqwxy ]3] He sins, and then regrets and repents. ||3|| jo quDu BwvY so prvwxu ] Whatever pleases You, Lord, that alone is acceptable. qyry Bwxy no kurbwxu ] I am a sacrifice to Your Will. nwnku grIbu bMdw jnu qyrw ] Poor Nanak is Your slave, Your humble servant. rwiK lyie swihbu pRBu myrw ]4]1]22] Save me, O my Lord God Master! ||4||1||22|| |