satgur poorai keenee daat
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-2)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
Cfwie lIE mhw blI qy Apny crn prwiq ] eyku nwmu dIE mn mMqw ibnis n kqhU jwiq ]1] He gave my mind the Mantra of the Naam, the Name of the One Lord, which shall never perish or leave me. ||1|| siqguir pUrY kInI dwiq ] The Perfect True Guru has given this gift. hir hir nwmu dIE kIrqn kau BeI hmwrI gwiq ] rhwau ] He has blessed me with the Kirtan of the Praises of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and I am emancipated. ||Pause|| AMgIkwru kIE pRiB ApunY Bgqn kI rwKI pwiq ] My God has made me His own, and saved the honor of His devotee. nwnk crn ghy pRB Apny suKu pwieE idn rwiq ]2]10]41] Nanak has grasped the feet of his God, and has found peace, day and night. ||2||10||41|| |