cho-aa chandan ank charhaava-o
gauVI mhlw 1 ] (225-6)ga-orhee mehlaa 1. Gauree, First Mehl: |
coAw cMdnu AMik cVwvau ] pwt ptMbr pihir hFwvau ] I may dress up and wear silk and satin clothes. ibnu hir nwm khw suKu pwvau ]1] But without the Lord's Name, where would I find peace? ||1|| ikAw pihrau ikAw EiF idKwvau ] So what should I wear? In what clothes should I display myself? ibnu jgdIs khw suKu pwvau ]1] rhwau ] Without the Lord of the Universe, how can I find peace? ||1||Pause|| kwnI kuMfl gil moqIAn kI mwlw ] I may wear ear-rings, and a pearl necklace around my neck; lwl inhwlI PUl gulwlw ] my bed may be adorned with red blankets, flowers and red powder; ibnu jgdIs khw suKu Bwlw ]2] but without the Lord of the Universe, where can I search for peace? ||2|| nYn slonI suMdr nwrI ] I may have a beautiful woman with fascinating eyes; KoV sIgwr krY Aiq ipAwrI ] she may decorate herself with the sixteen adornments, and make herself appear gorgeous. ibnu jgdIs Bjy inq KuAwrI ]3] But without meditating on the Lord of the Universe, there is only continual suffering. ||3|| dr Gr mhlw syj suKwlI ] In his hearth and home, in his palace, upon his soft and comfortable bed, Aihinis PUl ibCwvY mwlI ] day and night, the flower-girls scatter flower petals; ibnu hir nwm su dyh duKwlI ]4] but without the Lord's Name, the body is miserable. ||4|| hYvr gYvr nyjy vwjy ] Horses, elephants, lances, marching bands, lskr nyb KvwsI pwjy ] armies, standard bearers, royal attendants and ostentatious displays ibnu jgdIs JUTy idvwjy ]5] - without the Lord of the Universe, these undertakings are all useless. ||5|| isDu khwvau iriD isiD bulwvau ] He may be called a Siddha, a man of spiritual perfection, and he may summon riches and supernatural powers; qwj kulh isir CqRü bnwvau ] he may place a crown upon his head, and carry a royal umbrella; ibnu jgdIs khw scu pwvau ]6] but without the Lord of the Universe, where can Truth be found? ||6|| Kwnu mlUku khwvau rwjw ] He may be called an emperor, a lord, and a king; Aby qby kUVy hY pwjw ] he may give orders - "Do this now, do this then" - but this is a false display. ibnu gur sbd n svris kwjw ]7] Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, his works are not accomplished. ||7|| haumY mmqw gur sbid ivswrI ] Egotism and possessiveness are dispelled by the Word of the Guru's Shabad. gurmiq jwinAw irdY murwrI ] With the Guru's Teachings in my heart, I have come to know the Lord. pRxviq nwnk srix qumwrI ]8]10] Prays Nanak, I seek Your Sanctuary. ||8||10|| |