chitay diseh Dha-ulhar bagay bank du-aar
isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ] (62-16)sireeraag mehlaa 1. Siree Raag, First Mehl: |
icqy idsih Daulhr bgy bMk duAwr ] kir mn KusI auswirAw dUjY hyiq ipAwir ] they were constructed to give pleasure to the mind, but this is only for the sake of the love of duality. AMdru KwlI pRym ibnu Fih FyrI qnu Cwru ]1] The inner being is empty without love. The body shall crumble into a heap of ashes. ||1|| BweI ry qnu Dnu swiQ n hoie ] O Siblings of Destiny, this body and wealth shall not go along with you. rwm nwmu Dnu inrmlo guru dwiq kry pRBu soie ]1] rhwau ] The Lord's Name is the pure wealth; through the Guru, God bestows this gift. ||1||Pause|| rwm nwmu Dnu inrmlo jy dyvY dyvxhwru ] The Lord's Name is the pure wealth; it is given only by the Giver. AwgY pUC n hoveI ijsu bylI guru krqwru ] One who has the Guru, the Creator, as his Friend, shall not be questioned hereafter. Awip Cfwey CutIAY Awpy bKsxhwru ]2] He Himself delivers those who are delivered. He Himself is the Forgiver. ||2|| mnmuKu jwxY Awpxy DIAw pUq sMjogu ] The self-willed manmukh looks upon his daughters, sons and relatives as his own. nwrI dyiK ivgwsIAih nwly hrKu su sogu ] Gazing upon his wife, he is pleased. But along with happiness, they bring grief. gurmuiK sbid rMgwvly Aihinis hir rsu Bogu ]3] The Gurmukhs are attuned to the Word of the Shabad. Day and night, they enjoy the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||3|| icqu clY ivqu jwvxo swkq foil folwie ] The consciousness of the wicked, faithless cynics wanders around in search of transitory wealth, unstable and distracted. bwhir FUMiF ivgucIAY Gr mih vsqu suQwie ] Searching outside of themselves, they are ruined; the object of their search is in that sacred place within the home of the heart. mnmuiK haumY kir musI gurmuiK plY pwie ]4] The self-willed manmukhs, in their ego, miss it; the Gurmukhs receive it in their laps. ||4|| swkq inrguixAwirAw Awpxw mUlu pCwxu ] You worthless, faithless cynic-recognize your own origin! rkqu ibMdu kw iehu qno AgnI pwis iprwxu ] This body is made of blood and semen. It shall be consigned to the fire in the end. pvxY kY vis dyhurI msqik scu nIswxu ]5] The body is under the power of the breath, according to the True Sign inscribed upon your forehead. ||5|| bhuqw jIvxu mMgIAY muAw n loVY koie ] Everyone begs for a long life-no one wishes to die. suK jIvxu iqsu AwKIAY ijsu gurmuiK visAw soie ] A life of peace and comfort comes to that Gurmukh, within whom God dwells. nwm ivhUxy ikAw gxI ijsu hir gur drsu n hoie ]6] Without the Naam, what good those who do not have the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of the Lord and Guru? ||6|| ijau supnY inis BulIAY jb lig indRw hoie ] In their dreams at night, people wander around as long as they sleep; ieau srpin kY vis jIAVw AMqir haumY doie ] just so, they are under the power of the snake Maya, as long as their hearts are filled with ego and duality. gurmiq hoie vIcwrIAY supnw iehu jgu loie ]7] Through the Guru's Teachings, they come to understand and see that this world is just a dream. ||7|| Agin mrY jlu pweIAY ijau bwirk dUDY mwie ] As thirst is quenched with water, and the baby is satisfied with mother's milk, ibnu jl kml su nw QIAY ibnu jl mInu mrwie ] and as the lotus does not exist without water, and as the fish dies without water nwnk gurmuiK hir ris imlY jIvw hir gux gwie ]8]15] -O Nanak, so does the Gurmukh live, receiving the Sublime Essence of the Lord, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||8||15|| |