chitva-o vaa a-osar man maahi
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1222-15)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
icqvau vw Aausr mn mwih ] hoie iekqR imlhu sMq swjn gux goibMd inq gwih ]1] rhwau ] when I join the Gathering of the Friendly Saints, constantly singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause|| ibnu hir Bjn jyqy kwm krIAih qyqy ibrQy jWih ] Without vibrating and meditating on the Lord, whatever deeds you do will be useless. pUrn prmwn�d min mITo iqsu ibnu dUsr nwih ]1] The Perfect Embodiment of Supreme Bliss is so sweet to my mind. Without Him, there is no other at all. ||1|| jp qp sMjm krm suK swDn quil n kCUAY lwih ] Chanting, deep meditation, austere self-discipline, good deeds and other techniques to being peace - they are not equal to even a tiny bit of the Lord's Name. crn kml nwnk mnu byiDE crnh sMig smwih ]2]72]95] Nanak's mind is pierced through by the Lotus Feet of the Lord; it is absorbed in His Lotus Feet. ||2||72||95|| |