raajaa raam japat ko ko na tari-o

kbIr kw sbdu rwgu mwrU bwxI nwmdyau jI kI (1105-8)
kabeer kaa sabad raag maaroo banee naamday-o jee kee
Shabad Of Kabeer, Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee:

cwir mukiq cwrY isiD imil kY dUlh pRB kI srin pirE ]
chaar mukat chaarai siDh mil kai doolah parabh kee saran pari-o.
I have obtained the four kinds of liberation, and the four miraculous spiritual powers, in the Sanctuary of God, my Husband Lord.

mukiq BieE cauhUM jug jwinE jsu kIriq mwQY CqRü DirE ]1]
mukat bha-i-o cha-uhoo-aN jug jaani-o jas keerat maathai chhatar Dhari-o. ||1||
I am liberated, and famous throughout the four ages; the canopy of praise and fame waves over my head. ||1||

rwjw rwm jpq ko ko n qirE ]
raajaa raam japat ko ko na tari-o.
Meditating on the Sovereign Lord God, who has not been saved?

gur aupdyis swD kI sMgiq Bgqu Bgqu qw ko nwmu pirE ]1] rhwau ]
gur updays saaDh kee sangat bhagat bhagat taa ko naam pari-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever follows the Guru's Teachings and joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is called the most devoted of the devotees. ||1||Pause||

sMK ck® mwlw iqlku ibrwijq dyiK pRqwpu jmu firE ]
sankh chakar maalaa tilak biraajit daykh partaap jam dari-o.
He is adorned with the conch, the chakra, the mala and the ceremonial tilak mark on his forehead; gazing upon his radiant glory, the Messenger of Death is scared away.

inrBau Bey rwm bl grijq jnm mrn sMqwp ihirE ]2]
nirbha-o bha-ay raam bal garjit janam maran santaap hiri-o. ||2||
He becomes fearless, and the power of the Lord thunders through him; the pains of birth and death are taken away. ||2||

AMbrIk kau dIE ABY pdu rwju BBIKn AiDk kirE ]
ambreek ka-o dee-o abhai pad raaj bhabheekhan aDhik kari-o.
The Lord blessed Ambreek with fearless dignity, and elevated Bhabhikhan to become king.

nau iniD Twkuir deI sudwmY DR�A Atlu AjhU n tirE ]3]
na-o niDh thaakur da-ee sudaamai Dharoo-a atal ajhoo na tari-o. ||3||
Sudama's Lord and Master blessed him with the nine treasures; he made Dhroo permanent and unmoving; as the north star, he still hasn't moved. ||3||

Bgq hyiq mwirE hrnwKsu nrisMG rUp hoie dyh DirE ]
bhagat hayt maari-o harnaakhas narsingh roop ho-ay dayh Dhari-o.
For the sake of His devotee Prahlaad, God assumed the form of the man-lion, and killed Harnaakhash.

nwmw khY Bgiq bis kysv AjhUM bil ky duAwr Kro ]4]1]
naamaa kahai bhagat bas kaysav ajahooN bal kay du-aar kharo. ||4||1||
Says Naam Dayv, the beautiful-haired Lord is in the power of His devotees; He is standing at Balraja's door, even now! ||4||1||