chaar paav du-ay sing gung mukh tab kaisay gun ga-eehai
rwgu gUjrI Bgqw kI bwxI (524-8)raag goojree bhagtaa kee banee Raag Goojaree, The Words Of The Devotees: |
cwir pwv duie isMg guMg muK qb kYsy gun geIhY ] aUTq bYTq Tygw pirhY qb kq mUf lukeIhY ]1] Standing up and sitting down, the stick shall still fall on you, so where will you hide your head? ||1|| hir ibnu bYl ibrwny hueIhY ] Without the Lord, you are like a stray ox; Pwty nwkn tUty kwDn kodau ko Busu KeIhY ]1] rhwau ] with your nose torn, and your shoulders injured, you shall have only the straw of coarse grain to eat. ||1||Pause|| swro idnu folq bn mhIAw Ajhu n pyt AGeIhY ] All day long, you shall wander in the forest, and even then, your belly will not be full. jn Bgqn ko kho n mwno kIE Apno peIhY ]2] You did not follow the advice of the humble devotees, and so you shall obtain the fruits of your actions. ||2|| duK suK krq mhw BRim bUfo Aink join BrmeIhY ] Enduring pleasure and pain, drowned in the great ocean of doubt, you shall wander in numerous reincarnations. rqn jnmu KoieE pRBu ibsirE iehu Aausru kq peIhY ]3] You have lost the jewel of human birth by forgetting God; when will you have such an opportunity again? ||3|| BRmq iPrq qylk ky kip ijau giq ibnu rYin ibheIhY ] You turn on the wheel of reincarnation, like an ox at the oil-press; the night of your life passes away without salvation. khq kbIr rwm nwm ibnu mUMf Duny pCuqeIhY ]4]1] kahat kabeer raam naam bin moond Dhunay pachhut-eehai. ||4||1|| Says Kabeer, without the Name of the Lord, you shall pound your head, and regret and repent. ||4||1|| |