chaatrik meen jal hee tay sukh paavahi saaring sabad suhaa-ee
mlwr mhlw 1 ] (1274-8)malaar mehlaa 1. Malaar, First Mehl: |
cwiqRk mIn jl hI qy suKu pwvih swirMg sbid suhweI ]1] rYin bbIhw boilE myrI mweI ]1] rhwau ] The rainbird chirps in the night, O my mother. ||1||Pause|| ipRA isau pRIiq n aultY kbhU jo qY BwvY sweI ]2] O my Beloved, my love for You shall never end, if it is Your Will. ||2|| nId geI haumY qin QwkI sc miq irdY smweI ]3] Sleep is gone, and egotism is exhausted from my body; my heart is permeated with the Teachings of Truth. ||3|| rUK^ØI ibrK^ØI aUfau BUKw pIvw nwmu suBweI ]4] Flying among the trees and plants, I remain hungry; lovingly drinking in the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I am satisfied. ||4|| locn qwr llqw ibllwqI drsn ipAws rjweI ]5] I stare at You, and my tongue cries out to You; I am so thirsty for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||5|| ipRA ibnu sIgwru krI qyqw qnu qwpY kwpru AMig n suhweI ]6] Without my Beloved, the more I decorate myself, the more my body burns; these clothes do not look good on my body. ||6|| Apny ipAwry ibnu ieku iKnu rih n skNau ibn imly n^ØId n pweI ]7] Without my Beloved, I cannot survive even for an instant; without meeting Him, I cannot sleep. ||7|| ipru njIik n bUJY bpuVI siqguir dIAw idKweI ]8] Her Husband Lord is nearby, but the wretched bride does not know it. The True Guru reveals Him to her. ||8|| shij imilAw qb hI suKu pwieAw iqRsnw sbid buJweI ]9] When she meets Him with intuitive ease, she finds peace; the Word of the Shabad quenches the fire of desire. ||9|| khu nwnk quJ qy mnu mwinAw kImiq khnu n jweI ]10]3] Says Nanak, through You, O Lord, my mind is pleased and appeased; I cannot express Your worth. ||10||3|| |