jo maageh thaakur apunay tay so-ee so-ee dayvai
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-16)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
cqur idsw kIno blu Apnw isr aUpir kru DwirE ] ik®pw ktwK� Avloknu kIno dws kw dUKu ibdwirE ]1] Gazing upon me with his Eye of Mercy, He has dispelled the pains of His slave. ||1|| hir jn rwKy gur goivMd ] The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, has saved the Lord's humble servant. kMiT lwie Avgux siB myty dieAwl purK bKsMd ] rhwau ] Hugging me close in His embrace, the merciful, forgiving Lord has erased all my sins. ||Pause|| jo mwgih Twkur Apuny qy soeI soeI dyvY ] Whatever I ask for from my Lord and Master, he gives that to me. nwnk dwsu muK qy jo bolY eIhw aUhw scu hovY ]2]14]45] Whatever the Lord's slave Nanak utters with his mouth, proves to be true, here and hereafter. ||2||14||45|| |