pir bhaavai paraym sakhaa-ee
mlwr mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 1 (1273-5)malaar mehlaa 1 asatpadee-aa ghar 1 Malaar, First Mehl, Ashtapadees, First House: |
ckvI nYn n^ØId nih cwhY ibnu ipr n^ØId n pweI ] sUru crHY ipRau dyKY nYnI iniv iniv lwgY pWeI ]1] When the sun rises, she sees her beloved with her eyes; she bows and touches his feet. ||1|| ipr BwvY pRymu sKweI ] The Love of my Beloved is pleasing; it is my Companion and Support. iqsu ibnu GVI nhI jig jIvw AYsI ipAws iqsweI ]1] rhwau ] Without Him, I cannot live in this world even for an instant; such is my hunger and thirst. ||1||Pause|| srvir kmlu ikrix AwkwsI ibgsY shij suBweI ] The lotus in the pool blossoms forth intuitively and naturally, with the rays of the sun in the sky. pRIqm pRIiq bnI AB AYsI joqI joiq imlweI ]2] Such is the love for my Beloved which imbues me; my light has merged into the Light. ||2|| cwiqRku jl ibnu ipRau ipRau tyrY iblp krY ibllweI ] Without water, the rainbird cries out, "Pri-o! Pri-o! - Beloved! Beloved!" It cries and wails and laments. Gnhr Gor dsO idis brsY ibnu jl ipAws n jweI ]3] The thundering clouds rain down in the ten directions; its thirst is not quenched until it catches the rain-drop in its mouth. ||3|| mIn invws aupjY jl hI qy suK duK purib kmweI ] The fish lives in water, from which it was born. It finds peace and pleasure according to its past actions. iKnu iqlu rih n skY plu jl ibnu mrnu jIvnu iqsu qWeI ]4] It cannot survive without water for a moment, even for an instant. Life and death depend on it. ||4|| Dn vWFI ipru dys invwsI scy gur pih sbdu pTwe^ØI ] The soul-bride is separated from her Husband Lord, who lives in His Own Country. He sends the Shabad, His Word, through the True Guru. gux sMgRih pRBu irdY invwsI Bgiq rqI hrKweI ]5] She gathers virtues, and enshrines God within her heart. Imbued with devotion, she is happy. ||5|| ipRau ipRau krY sBY hY jyqI gur BwvY ipRau pwe^ØI ] Everyone cries out, "Beloved! Beloved!" But she alone finds her Beloved, who is pleasing to the Guru. ipRau nwly sd hI sic sMgy ndrI myil imlweI ]6] Our Beloved is always with us; through the Truth, He blesses us with His Grace, and unites us in His Union. ||6|| sB mih jIau jIau hY soeI Git Git rihAw smweI ] He is the life of the soul in each and every soul; He permeates and pervades each and every heart. gur prswid Gr hI prgwisAw shjy shij smweI ]7] By Guru's Grace, He is revealed within the home of my heart; I am intuitively, naturally, absorbed into Him. ||7|| Apnw kwju svwrhu Awpy suKdwqy gosWe^ØI ] He Himself shall resolve all your affairs, when you meet with the Giver of peace, the Lord of the World. gur prswid Gr hI ipru pwieAw qau nwnk qpiq buJweI ]8]1] By Guru's Grace, you shall find your Husband Lord within your own home; then, O Nanak, the fire within you shall be quenched. ||8||1|| |