ghol ghumaa-ee laalnaa gur man deenaa
quKwrI CMq mhlw 5 (1117-8)tukhaaree chhant mehlaa 5 Tukhaari Chhant, Fifth Mehl: |
Goil GumweI lwlnw guir mnu dInw ] suix sbdu qumwrw myrw mnu BInw ] Hearing the Word of Your Shabad, my mind is enraptured. iehu mnu BInw ijau jl mInw lwgw rMgu murwrw ] This mind is enraptured, like the fish in the water; it is lovingly attached to the Lord. kImiq khI n jweI Twkur qyrw mhlu Apwrw ] Your Worth cannot be described, O my Lord and Master; Your Mansion is Incomparable and Unrivalled. sgl guxw ky dwqy suAwmI ibnau sunhu iek dInw ] O Giver of all Virtue, O my Lord and Master, please hear the prayer of this humble person. dyhu drsu nwnk bilhwrI jIAVw bil bil kInw ]1] Please bless Nanak with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You. ||1|| iehu qnu mnu qyrw siB gux qyry ] This body and mind are Yours; all virtues are Yours. KMnIAY vM\w drsn qyry ] I am a sacrifice, every little bit, to Your Darshan. drsn qyry suix pRB myry inmK idRsit pyiK jIvw ] Please hear me, O my Lord God; I live only by seeing Your Vision, even if only for an instant. AMimRq nwmu sunIjY qyrw ikrpw krih q pIvw ] I have heard that Your Name is the most Ambrosial Nectar; please bless me with Your Mercy, that I may drink it in. Aws ipAwsI ipr kY qweI ijau cwiqRku bUMdyry ] My hopes and desires rest in You, O my Husband Lord; like the rainbird, I long for the rain-drop. khu nwnk jIAVw bilhwrI dyhu drsu pRB myry ]2] Says Nanak, my soul is a sacrifice to You; please bless me with Your Darshan, O my Lord God. ||2|| |