satgur tay har paa-ee-ai bhaa-ee
Awsw mhlw 3 ] (425-11)aasaa mehlaa 3. Aasaa, Third Mehl: |
GrY AMdir sBu vQu hY bwhir ikCu nwhI ] gur prswdI pweIAY AMqir kpt KulwhI ]1] By Guru's Grace, it is obtained, and the doors of the inner heart are opened wide. ||1|| siqgur qy hir pweIAY BweI ] From the True Guru, the Lord's Name is obtained, O Siblings of Destiny. AMqir nwmu inDwnu hY pUrY siqguir dIAw idKweI ]1] rhwau ] The treasure of the Naam is within; the Perfect True Guru has shown this to me. ||1||Pause|| hir kw gwhku hovY so ley pwey rqnu vIcwrw ] One who is a buyer of the Lord's Name, finds it, and obtains the jewel of contemplation. AMdru KolY idb idsit dyKY mukiq BMfwrw ]2] He opens the doors deep within, and through the Eyes of Divine Vision, beholds the treasure of liberation. ||2|| AMdir mhl Anyk hih jIau kry vsyrw ] There are so many mansions within the body; the soul dwells within them. mn icMidAw Plu pwiesI iPir hoie n Pyrw ]3] He obtains the fruits of his mind's desires, and he shall not have to go through reincarnation again. ||3|| pwrKIAw vQu smwil leI gur soJI hoeI ] The appraisers cherish the commodity of the Name; they obtain understanding from the Guru. nwmu pdwrQu Amulu sw gurmuiK pwvY koeI ]4] The wealth of the Naam is priceless; how few are the Gurmukhs who obtain it. ||4|| bwhru Bwly su ikAw lhY vQu GrY AMdir BweI ] Searching outwardly, what can anyone find? The commodity is deep within the home of the self, O Siblings of Destiny. Brmy BUlw sBu jgu iPrY mnmuiK piq gvweI ]5] The entire world is wandering around, deluded by doubt; the self-willed manmukhs lose their honor. ||5|| Gru dru Cofy Awpxw pr Gir JUTw jweI ] The false one leaves his own hearth and home, and goes out to another's home. corY vWgU pkVIAY ibnu nwvY cotw KweI ]6] Like a thief, he is caught, and without the Naam, he is beaten and struck down. ||6|| ijn@I Gru jwqw Awpxw sy suKIey BweI ] Those who know their own home, are happy, O Siblings of Destiny. AMqir bRhmu pCwixAw gur kI vifAweI ]7] They realize God within their own hearts, through the glorious greatness of the Guru. ||7|| Awpy dwnu kry iksu AwKIAY Awpy dyie buJweI ] He Himself gives gifts, and He Himself bestows understanding; unto whom can we complain? nwnk nwmu iDAwie qUM dir scY soBw pweI ]8]6]28] O Nanak, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and you shall obtain glory in the True Court. ||8||6||28|| |